
nsi comprehensive preservation product line is continually growing as we discover products which aid you in delivering consistent, accurate and predictable clinical outcomes. We seek to provide products and information which allow you to work more effectively and efficiently, ensuring more time for value-added services, such as patient education and treatment planning

  • Amalgam Carriers for carrying and dispensing amalgam filling materials
  • Amalgam Well for easy amalgam handling
  • Burnishers for condensing,smoothing, carving and polishing amalgam
  • Carvers for carving anatomical features and trim excess materials
  • Composite/Plastic Filling Instruments for composite placement and contouring
  • Excavators for the removal of carious dentin
  • Margin Trimmers for producing proper bevel on enamel margins
  • Placement Instruments for placing base or liner within cavity preparations
  • Pluggers/Condensers for packing filling materials into cavity preparations
  • Spatulas designed to mix and load cement and other materials into crown or inlay/onlay preparations