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Gum Diseases


Gum diseases (sometimes called periodontal or gingival diseases) are infections that harm the gum and bone that hold teeth in place. When plaque stays on your teeth too long, it forms a hard, harmful covering, called tartar, that brushing doesn’t clean. The longer the plaque and tartar stay on your teeth, the more damage they cause. Your gums may become red, swollen and bleed easily. This is called gingivitis.

Do you know the top 10 benefits of orthodontics?

When we are young, we generally don't pay much attention to our own image. Generally, we can only notice the arrangement and function of our teeth when we are around 20 years old.
However, at this time, it is found that there is a problem with the teeth. Is it necessary to perform orthodontics again?
Orthodontics not only makes teeth beautiful, but also has many functions...